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Access documentation

Network Statements

An overview of the infrastructure assets and how access can be applied for and is subsequently allocated. It also includes principles of the charging regime to be employed.

Track Access Price Lists

A price list outlines the applicable Track and Station Access Charges for HAL infrastructure.

Network Code

A set of rules is incorporated into and therefore forms part of, each bilateral access contract between HAL and holders of rights of access to the track owned by HAL.


Supporting template documents

Includes standard track access agreement, standard station access agreement and station access conditions.

To support the commitments contained within the Network Code and Network Statement, please find links below to relevant documentation:


Get in touch

All queries, applications and change/access requests should be directed to For access requests, please include details of the request and review the technical specification document (see link above) to ensure compliance with HAL infrastructure before application.


Supporting information

In addition, please use the following links for industry documentation referenced in the Heathrow rail regulation documents: