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We offer financial help to eligible homeowners living in the noisiest areas around Heathrow to move away from the area if they wish. People who meet the criteria can get financial assistance with the costs of moving.

Heathrow developed the home relocation assistance scheme in consultation with local residents, businesses, campaign groups and local authorities.

Who the scheme is for

The relocation assistance scheme applies to residential properties around Heathrow that are exposed to a high level of noise (within the 2019 69 dB LAeq noise contour).

To be eligible for the scheme, applicants must meet these criteria:

  • Own the property when applying. (If they currently live elsewhere, it must be the only property they own in the UK.)
  • Plan to move to a quieter area outside the boundaries of the scheme.
  • Not retain a beneficial interest in, or right of occupation to, the property after moving.
  • Residents must have owned or be living in the property prior to 31 December 2022.

Long-term tenants (with at least three years remaining on their lease) may also be eligible for assistance if the property they are renting is being sold. However, short-term tenants are not eligible for the scheme.

Eligible homeowners receive a lump sum of £10,000, plus 1% of the sale price of the property (up to a maximum of £20,000). There is only one payment per property.

Applying for the scheme

For more information or to find out if you are eligible to apply, please contact the Noise Helpdesk on 0800 344844 or email: