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  • Post office

    The airport Post Office can be found in WHSmith, Terminal 3 Departures, Landside (next to Pret A Manger) and in WHSmith Terminal 5, Landside Departures (Next to the South Wing).

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  • Post boxes

    Need to send a letter or postcard from Heathrow? You'll find post boxes before and after security in each terminal. Please be aware that you can't post parcels using the post boxes, and that anything you do post may be inspected by HM Customs.

  • Stamps

    You can buy stamps at branches of WHSmith in the terminals. There are also coin-operated stamp machines in each terminal.

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  • Mail&Fly

    Post the things you can’t take through security with Mail&Fly's unique service. This applies to liquids over 100ml, such as bottles of wine and perfumes as well as sharp items, such as knives.Simply pop your item in a Mail&Fly bag in the dedicated box.

    Keep ticket to reclaim you item


The fee is £6 plus postage and packing* but you only pay if you want to reclaim your goods. You have six weeks to claim and items will be with you in about three days. The Mail&Fly Service at Heathrow is operated by the bagport Group.

*Postage and packing costs depend on the size, weight and destination of your item.